Map of Flavours 2022


WHERE: Congress Centre Ioannis Vellidis,
Leof. Stratou 3, Helexpo, Thessaloniki

WHEN: Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 December 2022

HOURS: 12.00 - 20.00

HOW: ticket: 10€ | student ticket: 8€ | 2 days ticket: 17€
Tickets for Map of Flavours 2022 will be available at ticket offices on site entrance.

#MapofFlavours22 #Hartis22

The Map of Flavours is the best Wine Experience in Northern Greece! The Northern Greece's largest tasting for top-quality wines.

19 years after its first edition, Map of Flavours is today the Northern Greece’s most eagerly awaited wine event: a meeting place, an in-depth opportunity, where the market trends are defined and where new wines are presented.
For two full days, some 150+ estates from Greece, as well as many wine importers, personally present their wines, spirits and distillates.